How to handle tooth sensitivity?

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How to handle tooth sensitivity?

  • Dental Health   •   November 24, 2021

How to handle tooth sensitivity?

Sensitive teeth are one of the most typical dental problems. Various reasons can cause tooth sensitivity, but treating it right away won’t be a chronic problem. You’re also conscious that sensitivity might suddenly occur when you brush your teeth or breathe in the chilly air. While some people rarely feel this discomfort, many live with sensitive teeth.

What are sensitive teeth?

Sensitive teeth are the result of tooth enamel damage or exposed tooth roots. Teeth roots have thousands of tiny tubules that lead to the interior of your tooth since they are not protected by hard enamel. These dentinal tubules allow inputs like hot, cold, or sweet food to reach the tooth’s nerve, causing you to experience pain.

Symptoms of sensitive teeth

You might have tooth sensitivity if you’ve ever felt a sharp, acute shooting pain that worsens when exposed to cold air, hot, cold, sweet, or acidic meals or beverages, or when brushing your teeth with cold water. Once the cause of the pain is resolved, the pain usually goes away as well, and some people experience persistent throbbing pain.

What causes Tooth Sensitivity?

Common causes of sensitive teeth include exposed tooth roots or damaged tooth enamel. Sometimes conditions like gum disease, a cavity, a broken or chipped tooth, a worn filling, or one of these might result in tooth discomfort.

Acidic Foods

Regularly consuming acidic foods and beverages can wear down your tooth enamel, composed of minerals like calcium. Keep an eye on your intake of highly acidic meals and beverages, such as orange juice, coffee, sports drinks, wine, and carbonated sodas, as well as foods like citrus fruits, tomatoes, pickled foods, and pickled products.

Sugary Foods

Plaque and bacterial growth can be encouraged by sweet treats like sticky candy and pastries, etc. The acids can destroy tooth enamel that the bacteria in plaque create. Watch how much sugar you consume to prevent your teeth from tooth decay, a frequent cause of toothaches.

Hard brushing

It’s essential to brush your teeth. But too much force when brushing them could damage your enamel and the calcified material protecting the tooth’s roots. It could result in gum recession, which exposes the sensitive and painful softer areas of your tooth.

Receding Gums

Gum recession exposes dentin channels and generates sensitive nerve branches inside of your teeth, so if your gums are moving away from your teeth, this is a sign that your gums are receding. Gum disease may be another underlying reason why you’re experiencing tooth pain.

Tooth sensitivity treatments

Sensitive teeth can be treated. The type of treatment varies depending on what is causing the sensitivity. Your dentist might advise one of the following procedures if you have sensitive teeth.

Desensitizing toothpaste: It typically takes multiple applications before the sensitivity is lessened since it contains components that prevent the transfer of sensation from the tooth surface to the nerve.

Fluoride gel:  A procedure is done in-office that thickens dental enamel and lessens sensational transmission.

A crown, inlay or bonding: These could be applied to fix sensitivity-causing flaws or decay.

Surgical gum graft:  If the root’s gum tissue has been gone, a surgical gum graft will shield the root and lessen the irritation.

Root canal: Your dentist might suggest this procedure to address sensitivity if it is severe and cannot be resolved in another way.

Put an End to Sensitive Teeth

The best way to treat sensitive teeth is to visit a dentist who can describe the causes and provide you with treatments. Your condition can point to a severe medical problem that needs to be treated right away, but most of the time, it’s just a dental problem that can be resolved with improved care. Your dentist may recommend advanced in-office procedures to build or protect your tooth enamel. Most patients are advised with the following suggestions in order to reduce tooth sensitivity.

Use desensitizing toothpaste if you have sensitive teeth. It prevents the nerves from being activated by obstructing the dentinal tubules. Apply a small amount of paste with your finger straight to the hurting area while gently massaging it.

After meals, gently brush your teeth, followed by flossing to clean them thoroughly.

Use mouthwash to clean your mouth after every meal.

Don’t consume carbonated or citric drinks.

Avoid frozen, hot, and spicy foods.

Once the outer layer of the tooth enamel is eroded, eating sweet foods will worsen the condition. Sugary meals can more easily reach your teeth’s nerves, which can result in sudden, shooting pain.

Calcium is a vital component in the treatment of dental issues. Dairy products and other foods like broccoli, pecans, and almonds are excellent sources.

Visit the dentist frequently to keep up with your oral hygiene.

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132 School Road,
Kallangur QLD 4503, Australia
Phone: 0732044777

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